Salesforce Login
Monday, 16 October 2017
Latori GmbH

Salesforce Login

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URL to login in German language:

This link will take you to the German Salesforce login. German language in this case means that all fields, names, buttons and messages have been translated into German. As you can see in the screenshot above.

URL to login in English language:

Without the addition ?locale=en in the URL, you get to the general, English-language login. No matter where you log in, with the same username and password you always end up in the same Salesforce account - only the language is different.


Here you have to enter your Salesforce username. Usually this is your company email address, e.g. [email protected].


Here you have to enter your personal Salesforce password. If you have forgotten it, you can have a new password sent to your e-mail address by clicking on the link with the text Have you forgotten your password?


Once you have entered your username and the correct password, all you have to do is click on the blue Login button and you will be logged in.

Save data

If you check the save data box, your username will be filled in the next time you log in, and you will only need to enter your password.

Safety code

When you log in to Salesforce for the first time from a new or different computer, an additional code is required for security. This code will be sent to you or your Salesforce administrator by e-mail or SMS and must be entered promptly. This is for security reasons, so that even if someone gets hold of your password, they cannot log in from a different PC.


Click on your avatar in the top right corner (possibly also your company logo or a small picture). Then a menu opens: there is the logout link. In the picture here it is outlined in red for clarification. Just click on logout and you are logged out.

Change the password

This way you can also change your password. To do this, click on the Settings link in the same menu (accessible via the small image at the top right) and then on Change my password in the side navigation. Here again for clarification marked in red.

If you need help with your project, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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Wir schätzen alle unsere Kunden, Nutzer und Leser, egal ob weiblich, männlich, divers oder nicht-binär. Der Lesbarkeit halber verzichten wir auf Gendersternchen und nutzen weiterhin das generische Maskulinum. Wir sprechen damit ausdrücklich alle an. Bitte beachten Sie außerdem, dass wir Zitate zum besseren, sprachlichen Verständnis leicht angepasst haben.
Shop Usability Award Winner 2023