Shopify: Jetzt durch den Händlerbund vorzertifiziert
Wednesday, 22 February 2023
Latori GmbH

Shopify: Now pre-certified by the Händlerbund

Like many other systems, Shopify is constantly evolving, expanding its system, offering new services, or making it easier to trade and manage your own online store. Especially the latter has now been confirmed once again, because Shopify is now officially certified by the German Händlerbund. But what exactly does that mean, and what is the Händlerbund anyway?

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What is the Händlerbund?

The Händlerbund is a German e-commerce presence that works to make websites legally compliant. You're probably familiar with this: every website has a privacy policy, there are often terms and conditions, and in general there are always a lot of different legal situations and regulations that have to be adhered to on an Internet presence in Germany anyway. In its own words, the Händlerbund sheds light on the legal jungle and ensures that the e-commerce industry is equipped with the latest legal texts, secure GTCs and updated data protection guidelines. What's more, the Händlerbund offers legal advice in the event of any difficulties and puts e-commerce offers through their paces.

What does this mean for my online store?

At the time of this article, only one Shopify theme is supported by the Händlerbund - namely the so-called free Shopify theme "Debut". So if you use this theme for your own online store, you can now have your own online store verified by the Händlerbund via Shopify! This brings several advantages that help your own online store stand out from the crowd and creates trust among customers. But how exactly does this work?

How does the verification work?

It's actually quite simple; Shopify now offers the possibility to have your own online store verified with the Händlerbund. Basically, this means that you can provide your store with a seal of approval that indicates that your store is legally compliant and can be used in Germany without any problems. This is especially important for customers

an enrichment, because cachets create trust and thus bring the own store miles ahead. The seal of approval is awarded after a short review by lawyers from the Händlerbund. They look through your own online store and make sure that there are no discrepancies with German law, especially when it comes to terms and conditions or data protection guidelines. In short, your own store is checked and searched as far as the law in Germany is concerned.

If there is a problem, it will be fixed; so in the end, you can be sure that you have an all-around legally compliant store. Of course, this trust is then passed on to the customers, who can then shop in their own online store without any worries.

The special thing about this review is that there are even special conditions for Shopify users at the Händlerbund! In the first year, Shopify users even get 4 free months if they have their online store monitored and checked by the Händlerbund. This is definitely worth it!

So, as you can see, the review by the Händlerbund is not a bad idea. If you're not using the "Debut" theme, that's not a problem - according to Shopify, this feature will follow with many more free and premium themes in the coming months, ensuring that stores with these themes will also be legally compliant. It's definitely worth considering!

If you still have questions about Shopify, feel free to contact us without any obligation.

Frequently asked questions about Shopify and the Händlerbund

What is the Händlerbund?

The Händlerbund is an e-commerce presence that promotes the legal security of websites.

What does the Händlerbund do?

The Händlerbund ensures that e-commerce is equipped with up-to-date legal texts, GTCs and data protection guidelines. In addition, you also offer legal advice.

How do I know if a store is certified by the Händlerbund?

There is a buyer's seal that store operators can display in their store. With this buyer's seal, online stores can signal that their store is legally secure.

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